Okay, NOW my Christmas comic is officially done! I know “it was just a dream” is a cheap cop-out, but I needed some way to explain away Rose’s transformation. That and I couldn’t resist Violet’s zombie bit.
This page also marks the first official in-canon appearances of aunts Mercy and… whatever Violet’s mom’s name is. This is her first appearance, official or otherwise, and I haven’t decided on her name just yet.
And with this, my Christmas comic is finally complete! …unless I decide to draw the 4th page I’d been thinking about that would tie a nice little bow on this whole thing…
While this isn’t the first time I’ve drawn her, this is the first appearance of Daisy & Rose’s mother, Lily, in my comics. There’s not much to say about her just yet, other than she’s also super-tall, and she’s a hugger. In fact, just as Daisy & Rose are meant to be opposites, Lily may be her own sister’s opposite…
The center portion of this page is where this whole thing got started – back in October I’d thumbnailed this image, with Rose asking “this isn’t going to be permanent, is it?” I’d been toying with making mini-Rose a regular thing, mostly because it’s much easier to pose her against Daisy.
Page 1 of 3!
This one came together in a weird way – it started as a pair of pinup ideas a couple months back, and quickly morphed into a short comic, but one with no beginning. While planning out the winner of this month’s Patreon vote I thought that that image would work well as the first image for the comic!
Now I’ll just be lucky if i can have the other two pages finished by New Year’s…