
Those guys are about to learn the irony in her being named “Mercy”…

When I get a chance, I’ll have to come back and color this page.  The past month had been pretty crazy, and left me little time for personal work.  Once I finally had the time, I decided instead to move on.

Thar She Blows!!

There’s a bit of meta-context to this comic – at some point last month, I’d realized that for a number of reasons, I hadn’t drawn Daisy nude since August. That’s a bit too long for her fans, and even for me, so I felt that just drawing a new pinup wouldn’t do… No, in this case the dam needed to burst!!

A Not-So-Hairy Ending

Some additional info on this chapter –

The first page was a originally all there was supposed to be. I had the idea back in April, but had to set it aside because of my rule about wolf-Mary being a Halloween-only thing.

After posting the first page, Brian Christy asked what Daisy’s werewolf form might be. I couldn’t resist – “A corgi, of course!”. I was joking, but the idea was too cute not to draw.

Lily & her husband, Don, might be considered last-minute additions to the page, if there was actually time to plan any of it. Like corgi-Daisy, Lily’s reaction was something I couldn’t resist, although it made it more difficult for me to fit everything onto the page. The whole page was so spontaneous, I didn’t plan ahead for how everything would fit together.

Since my one-page gag was now a multi-page story, I needed an ending. More importantly, I needed an ending that would sweep the entire werewolf thing under the rug… one of my rules – usually in regards to pinups – is that nothing is canon unless I put it in a comic. But since wolf-Mary isn’t supposed to be canon, I’d backed myself into a corner. Having the whole thing be Violet’s idea ended up being the best fit. It also gave me a chance to use another gag I’d been sitting on – Mary’s info-dump, and Daisy & Vi’s reaction. The downside is that bit was meant to be the ending to a whole different story, so now I’ll need to think of a new ending for that one.

I was hoping to draw more of corgi-Daisy before posting the final page, but I ran out of time. An animation job came my way just as I was finishing the first page, and it kept me busy for most of the month. Now another job looks like it will keep me busy for the next couple of months, so those corgi-Daisy ideas may have to wait until next Halloween…

Extended Hiatus

The next comic chapter will be delayed for a little longer – over the past month I’ve been working on my 3D Daisy model, to get her ready for animation.  She’s still not there yet, so I’m going to continue working on her through March.  I don’t have any grand plans for her once she is finished, though – for a long time I wanted to make a short film, but that’s not a very realistic goal.  Mainly she’ll be something for me to animate when I’m between contracts, so I can stay sharp.

Comic hiatus

So I’d planned on taking a break from comics back in December, mainly because December is always too hectic.  Only instead of that, I ended up doing a 3-page comic.  And then after that was finished, I added another page to it.  So now almost two months after I’d originally planned on taking a break, I’m definitely taking a break!  Kinda, sort, maybe.

My plan for February – at the moment, anyway – is to work on my 3D Daisy model.  I’ll also still be drawing pinups and commissions for my patrons.

See you in 2016!

After finally getting some new comic pages done – and in color, no less – in October and November, I’ll be taking a break from the comic at least until January.  More or less.  I am planning a comic that I may work on this month, but it’s an ad for my Patreon campaign, rather than a actual chapter.

In the meantime, I’ll also be drawing more pinups, which will be available to my patrons first!