Support Daisy’s Diner on Patreon!

banner-patreon2After thinking about it (and overthinking it) for the past couple of weeks, I’ve finally started a Patreon campaign!

If you’re not familiar with Patreon, it’s basically open-ended crowdfunding.  Patrons can pledge their support to artists on a per-month or per-work basis, depending on the campaign.  My campaign is per-image, that way Patrons are only billed when I post something new.

Currently there are 3 tiers –

  • $1 – The Early Bird Special.  Pledging this amount allows Patrons to see the finished images before they’re posted anywhere else.
  • $3 – The Lunchtime Rush.  On top of early access, Patrons will get to see how a typical image or comic page comes together, and can suggest costumes, poses, and themes for illustrations.
  • $5 – Dinner and a Show.  All of the above, plus high resolution images and/or layers PSDs when higher resolutions aren’t available, and the occasional nude alternate to clothed pinups

Worth noting is that my art will not be Patreon-exclusive.  I’ll still be posting finished images & pages for free here, and on DA, Tumblr, and Facebook, but Patrons will get the images anywhere from a day to a week in advance.


I’ve added a new chapter/feature this week – onesies. These will be simple, standalone images or single-page comics, usually non-canon, and focused more on gags than telling a story. These have been my primary method of exploring the characters personalities over the years, and will act as filler for when the real comics aren’t ready yet, prove difficult to finish, or if I don’t have enough free time to focus on them.

The one thing I’m concerned about is how navigating the comics will work, if I end up alternating between posting official pages and one-offs. Both would be posted to their respective chapters, but I worry that they would be read in the order they were posted, rather than as a continuous chapter…

Daisy, now available on Shapeways!

My second Daisy print has arrived from Shapeways, and in one piece, I’m happy to report!  I think it turned out quite nicely –

DaisyFig2_09Daisy figure with base It’s available for sale now, in two flavors – towel, and no towel.


And since this time I remembered to hit the record button on my camera, here’s an unboxing video –


The one thing that disappoints me about 3D printing?  Chances are, Daisy will be the only character I can offer.  Taller characters like Mary or Rose would cost too much in materials alone.  A Violet figure might be possible, once I have her modeled.  She’s taller than Daisy, but not as tall as Mary, and is also thinner overall.  With luck, she might end up using roughly the same amount of material as Daisy.

Making the figures smaller is, unfortunately, not an option.  Certain areas – like Daisy’s fingers, ears, and hair swirls – are already too close to the minimum required thickness for printing.

Updates (and where to find them)

First things first, I’ve posted a rough preview of part of the next comic page over on Facebook.

It might be worth mentioning that not everything I draw or render gets posted here. Rough sketches and WIPs typically get posted on my Facebook page; finished images, pinups, and anything not related to the comic get posted on DeviantArt and Tumblr. I’m also getting used to Twitter, and might start using that to announce which sites have been updated.

Catching up

There’s still one more page left to the current comic, but I let myself get distracted by other things this past week.  One of those things was this image of Daisy meeting her younger self –

Daisy & lil Daisy-01


I also did a pair of commissions for Hatescomputers over on DA, first with Daisy dress as Princess Jasmine from Disney’s Aladdin –

Daisy Jasmine

And another with Daisy & Bill (who I’m still trying to find a purpose for) as Adam & Eve –

Bill & Daisy - Adam & Eve

Now hopefully this week I can get the next comic page finished, before my next contract starts…

It’s Here!!

After over a month of back-and-forth, and anticipation, my Daisy print from Shapeways has arrived!


…and her hand broke off in-transit.



Broken hand aside, this turned out better than I expected.  I don’t think the pictures do it justice.  Yes, the surface has a slight grain to it, and some banding, but these are only noticeable if you’re inspecting the figure up close.


I’m going to go back and thicken her wrist a little, so that hopefully it won’t break in future prints.  Otherwise, I’d say it’s buyer beware…

Merciful Update

Last week I decided to take a detour from the comic, so that I could get some more work in on one of my 3D characters before my next contract starts.  The character is another that I’ve been drawing for years, and will make her official debut in an upcoming chapter – Daisy’s aunt Mercy.

What can I say about Mercy without spoiling too much?  She’s a bitter chain smoking alcoholic who dresses like a nun for reasons only she fully understands, and in general is not the most pleasant person to be around.


For her model, I used Daisy’s sister, Rose, as a starting point, since they’re both roughly the same height and have the same base proportions.



Mercy_wip03(Mercy’s most “important” accessory – a big ol bottle of whiskey!)

One added benefit to modeling Mercy is she gives me an excuse to test out Maya’s nCloth –

Nothing fancy yet, but maybe once the other layers are in place, and I get her moving…

3D prints, delays, and whatnot

About three weeks ago, I uploaded a Daisy figure to Shapeways and ordered a full-color print for myself, to judge the quality. After two weeks of the order being listed as in production, I was informed it couldn’t be printed, as some parts were too thin. I’ve adjusted and resubmitted the model, but I’m already looking into other printers.

While I’m waiting for my second Shapeways attempt to go through (and maybe still get rejected), Ownage has already gotten back to me with an estimate.

The good news is that a small run of 20-50 unpainted figures would cost just low enough that I might not need to worry about setting up a Kickstarter campaign. I’m just waiting on some extra details, like shipping costs and whether the figures will come unassembled for easier painting. Right now I’m placing the sale price around $75-100.

So, who’s interested? (scroll down for the poll)

In other news, the next page of the current comic may be delayed. This week I’ve been working on my next 3D character*, and next week I might have some contract work. To fit the comic in, I might just split the next page into two, so each one would take less time to finish.
* check out my Facebook or Tumblr pages for wip images.