Parental Candidates

While I’m dragging my feet on the next comic – and waiting for my next contract – I decided I should try and figure out what Violet’s parents might look like –

I only have one story in mind for them, at the moment, and it’s one with a limited window.  If I’m going to draw it, then I should get moving and have the first page out in the next week or two…


Finished off another comission –

Daydreaming of Daisy by JKLind on deviantART

The first couple pages of the next comic are thumbnailed and laid out, so all that’s left is to actually draw them. It’s just a question of whether I’ll want/need to block in more of my diner model first, for the backgrounds.

Another question is whether I can finish the entire chapter before my next contract starts – at least four solid months of work, which might not leave much time for comics. I’ll have to wait and see…

Recent Commissions

Two recent commissions from HatesComputers over on DA –

Daisy and Violet – X-Girls by JKLind on deviantART

Daisy and Bill – Dragon’s Lair by JKLind on deviantART

The original request for the first one was simple – Violet as Jubilee, and Daisy as the movie version of Mystique. That does make sense, since Daisy would likely only know the character from the films, but I thought it’d be fun to turn the tables. Mostly because Daisy would never “dress” as a nude character when hanging out with her underage cousin (if ever), but also in small part because I didn’t want to draw all those scales. 😛

The second was also fun, because I love Dragon’s Lair, and I don’t use my character Bill nearly enough.

Monday warm-up

The next comic is fully scripted, even broken down into estimated pages and panels. My mission this week is to get the entire thing thumbnailed out, to make sure that the page layouts will work. If so, then I’d also like to get the first page started, if not finished.

So far, I’m off to a rocky start – I’ve scribbled several ideas for pinups, but nothing for the comic. But until now I haven’t had any good ideas for pinups in some months, so maybe I’ll treat these as a warm-up.  I might also use at least one of them for some painting practice, while I’m at it.

Over the weekend I’ve also started the process of transferring Rose’s skeleton and blendshapes to Mercy, in Maya. The brow shapes were the easiest, but the mouth will require a bit more effort.

It’s all about the challenge. Honest.

Over the past week, I’ve been scribbling some thumbnails for my hypothetical “disrobing Daisy” animation, while also trying to plot out the technical challenges that’d be involved.
Here’s a quick summary of some of those challenges –

  • Untying the bow in her apron
  • switching sections of cloth from normal deformers to full cloth sim
  • hand/cloth collisions & interactions
  • cloth/cloth collisions
  • cloth/hair collisions
  • changing hair styles

…with all that in mind, it’s unlikely that I’ll even attempt something like this. I’d be much better off focusing on other characters, or at least on something that wouldn’t need quite as much explaining.

